Companies We Look For

We partner with companies who share our vision

We're out to build the best future today

We seek out niche software companies who primarily serve the automotive industry. Ideal companies have established themselves within the market with a product or service that has been determined invaluable to its customer base.

By acquiring companies whose specialties vary across the entire sector, we’re able to protect growth and profitability regardless of market conditions.

Ideal Company Criteria



Primarily serves the automotive or adjacent industry



Shares our vision to drive change in the automotive industry



Has an intimate and profound understanding of their customers and the market



Fueled by an unwavering passion for excellence

Automotive Software Companies Seeking to Drive Innovation

Our objective is to enrich our portfolio by partnering with like-minded companies that are committed to continuous improvements to the automotive sector.

Dealership Management

Solutions that help drive efficiency and profitability for dealerships, including sales, inventory management, CRM, finance and service.

R&D and Engineering

Software to assist with research, development and engineering of auto-related products.

Manufacturing and Logistics

Tools designed to optimize various aspects of manufacturing, supply chain management and distribution within the auto sector.

From the Beginning

From concept to design to manufacturing, we want to be a part of making every step of that journey seamless.

To the End

No matter the vehicle and its destination, we want to ensure that it provides the safest journeys possible.

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